New Paintings

Armand Cabrera

I’ve returned from two weeks on the road. I got back just in time to catch peak color of autumn on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I taught a workshop, attended my reception for my one man show and visited with a new gallery owner in Florida.

The workshop was small but I had a good group of students. The weather was perfect. The reception for my one man show was well attended and sales were good. The show will continue through the end of the month.

Here are some outdoor paintings. The first three I did as demos during the Saint Simon Island workshop. The last are some fall color paintings from here in VA. All are 12x16 inches.

Gascoigne Bluff

Clam Creek Inlet

       Christ Church Afternnon

       Old Rag from Skyline

     Pinnacles Picnic Grounds
I was unable to finish this painting. I started it in heavy fog and rain but the sun came out and stopped me from finishing it.

Bull Run

Chin Ridge