Behind the scenes with Kelsey Genna

Last Thursday i had the pleasure of catching up with my beautiful pal, Kelsey Genna, on the day of her Valentines collection shoot. I snapped over three hundred photos, some of which i'm sharing here. Never having been to a photo shoot before, it was quite an exciting experience. Bright lights, cameras, makeup! Such a world away from what i'm used to - solitude and sheets of white paper.

Kelsey's new collection, which was released to coincide with Valentines day, is akin to a box of bon-bons - a fanciful assortment of romantic dresses in red, white and pink - ruffled, studded with flowers and unabashedly girly. I've already got my heart set on the red rose dress - it's just divine!

Kelsey is visiting Sydney for two weeks to show at Fashion Exposed and we've been enjoying high tea, strolling through the botanic gardens, gushing over poodle sequinned blouses in the miu miu store, losing gold coins on skill tester video games and having a wonderful time.
I admire Kelsey so much -as a young fashion designer she runs her own label from home in New Zealand, (handcrafts each piece to fit the wearer) and top top things off, is incredibly sweet and enchanting. If you aren't already in love with this girl, then hop on over to her website, where you can view the valentines dress collection in it's entirety and maybe even purchase one! I'm sure in these dresses you'll no doubt be able to capture the hearts of many.

p.s. The studio where we shot at even had it's own resident kittens! I think i got a bit carried away chasing them around the studio, trying to do my best 'cat whispering'. (Wish i could remember what breed they were - alas, my memory fails me.)